Miura Manabu Sales

As always, thanks for playing. This is Miura (name subject to change) the sales guy who doesn't sing or dance. I'd like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts out of respect for the choice you had to make. I apologize in advance.

Creating a work that will stand as a challenge to the times is a process that inspires equal parts ecstasy and terror - the joy of blazing a trail into the unknown, and the fear of what will happen if you fail.

I know it wasn't easy getting here, but that sense of hardship, I feel, is the mark of having experienced Nitroplus and Shimokura Vio's challenge to visual novels.

Having finished, what do you think?

As someone nearing forty (probably older than most of those who purchased this game?) I had mixed feelings: half accepting, half sad, and half "should we have released this NOW!?" (never mind that that makes three halves)

Years ago, when I was a hardcore erogamer, my young sensibilities were often shocked by the tragic turns and bittersweet endings that were commonplace among works of the time. I wonder how players these days would come to terms with the same. If I were a betting man, I would wager that everyone reading this, including YOU, will soon find the answer.

Please, before the heat cools, take whatever you are feeling, positive or negative, overflowing with love or drowning in sadness, and show that piece of your heart to us.

Nothing would make us happier.

Thank you.