Moo Project Manager

Thank you for playing YOU and ME and HER: A Love Story all the way to the end.
Normally, I just throw up a little something silly for my staff comment, but this project really affected me, so I'd like to take the moment to share my thoughts.

Totono development really took off about a year before the release date. (I know because that's when I started getting the emails!) At the time, I had been busy with the visual novels for both Guilty Crown and Phenomeno, so all I knew about Totono was that Shimokura, Tsuji Santa, and the colorists were working steadily on the character designs.

I had no idea yet what the game was about. From the designs, I assumed, with some surprise, that Nitroplus would be making a NORMAL bishoujo game for once. That all changed, of course, when I formally took charge of the project and Shimokura explained to me what was really going on. I can still remember the feeling of satisfaction knowing that we were making another true Nitroplus game...

That said, the problems piled up as soon as we entered production: we couldn't get the resources we'd planned for, other projects (like moving the company offices) demanded our attention, a rash of the flu floored several team members (including me) just before we were supposed to finish the master, we had to figure out how the hell to distribute the game via USB...

"Hey! What about my margins!?" I wondered more than once, but in the end, it was all worth it to see this crazy idea become a reality. Shimokura, you're nuts. (I mean that in a good way.)

Anyway, I might not have any warm and fuzzy stories to share, but my point is, I'm glad we were able to bring this game to all of you. And I hope that it will stay with you for a long time to come.

And now, as much as I'd like to wipe my memory and play Totono from scratch again, I should probably be moving on to the next project. Let's meet again someday.
