Digitaro Producer

"What if visual novel heroines were sentient?"

The first time I played a demo of this game, I was reminded of how sad I was when my Tamagotchi died. Of course, virtual pets aren't alive, and visual novel heroines are just fantasies designed for our entertainment. Still, when those fantasies bring me sadness or joy, there is a part of me that feels like I am touching something alive.

People have often debated whether robots could ever become alive. At this moment, I believe the answer is "yes." Both robots and visual novel heroines may one day become their own form of life, and perhaps some digital being who has transcended entropy will birth yet another, with humanity the father.

At the same time, of course, I intend to keep an eye out for baseball bats.

Thank you for purchasing Totono, and please look forward to our next game.

PS: NITRO SUPER SONIC 2013 will be held at the Yurakucho Tokyo Forum on September 21 and 22. Come to experience the music of Totono performed live!
